installation|s and review|s.

installation|s : no matter how long you think it will take to construct a thing, it will be longer and require more particularity than you expect. it is easy to imagine the methods of construction, but without attempting such actions at full scale prior to installing, the imaginings will quite often fail.

the ideas behind this are strong. pulling the tones from inside, thinking of the window spatially instead of as just a surface. however, the actual interworkings of the materials were quite feeble. had this been properly detailed, it could have been extraordinary. the light on the line looks as raindrops do from a grey english sky.

what can you take forward from this process?

also, does anyone have decent photographs of how the line looked from outside? the elegance of the smashed window effect?

review|s : how far you guys have come from that first day wandering around the city is quite incredible. not only in your drawing skills and techniques, but more than that, in the way that you are thinking and the topics that you are considering. the comments at the reviews were constructive and encouraging. how can you take these ideas forward? light. shadow. decay. movement. color. life.

looking forward to working with you in the coming term.

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